Sunday, September 25, 2016

2in1 Pedal: Hjärt Müller Bass Drive + Sadowsky Preamp (always on)

* Built a 2in1 Pedal: Hjärt Müller Bass Drive + Sadowsky Preamp (always on)

Really nice pedal for a bass! The Sadowsky as an always on preamp was a request of the customer.
The Bass

Drive is the only one on a true bypass switch.

Fender Telecaster MIM setup

* A Fender Telecaster MIM setup

Proel wireless monitor system cleaning

* Proel wireless monitor system cleanup:
had some really oxidized connections and whatnot

Warwick Bass preamp repair

* Fixed a Warwick Bass.
The active preamp had a short

Fixed a Thomann T. Amp

* Fixed a Thomann T. Amp
Had some problems at the power section and output section also

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Crate Acoustic Combo (DSP part repair attempt)

* Tried to fix the DSP part of a Crate Acoustic Combo, but so far, the prospect is bleak


* Unfortunately, this SM57 is beyond repair :( wih the current parts

Diagnostics on a Boss AC-2

* Diagnostics on a Boss AC-2 (not yielded anything, it works fine for me)

Cleaned a BMW Bluetooth Module

* Thoroughly cleaned a BMW Bluetooth Module, which had some problems(glitchy signal,coming on and off), and apparently that did the trick

Rewired a Brent Hinds Epiphone Flying V

* Rewired a Brent Hinds Epiphone Flying V, using the parts provided (a pain to clean, like always :D), and also added a killswitch instead of the push pull that was destroyed by the previous wiring.
Some before and after pics:


Fixed a Hiwatt Maxwatt combo

* Fixed a Hiwatt Maxwatt combo (the power amp was shot, the speaker blew out also)

Friday, September 2, 2016

Maison Bass - rewiring

* Rewired a Maison Bass guitar using the existing components, but with different wires + I took off the old solder and cleaned the pots, and also fixed one pickup which had one wire broken off from the coil


Death by Audio Reverberation Machine clone

* A normal reverb to a more lo fi/weird/gainy/fatty and whatnot reverb.
Really cool!