Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Stagg G300 Setup

* A Stagg G300 came in for a setup.
I also polished the fretwire, and checked the electro part, and changed all the tuners because the old ones were busted and poorer quality.
A very nice and playable guitar now

AKG K240 headphones

* Checked and also changed the jack on a pair of AKG K240 headphones

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Pickup fix for an Epiphone LP Standard Pro

* One coil from the bridge humbucker on this Epiphone LP Standard Pro was faulty. I tried to repair it but the coil was broken in two places(because it had a manufacturing error with some slack on the winding,it got caught in the upper rim in the wax, and when someone removed the cover, the coil broke).
So happens that I had an Ibanez premium humbucker with just one coil working also, and I used this good coil with the other LP coil and made one humbucker!It sounds great and it's even better now,because this new coil has much more output than the old one, and gives a nice bite to the guitar now. Very cool!Glad I could fix it in such a short time without ordering another humbucker which would of meant additional cost




Squier Stratocaster Pro Tone Series

* Squier Stratocaster Pro Tone Series setup

Ibanez S520EX

* Setup on an Ibanez S520EX + fretwire made shiny and slippery again, tarnished screws were cleaned and some were repainted