Monday, February 11, 2019

HGE Contraptions JHS Morning Glory clone (123rd pedal built) - 3rd one built

* Another HGE Contraptions JHS Morning Glory clone

(123rd pedal built!) - 3rd one built


  1. Cool finish, care to share how it was done? I've seen it on a couple of your posts, but haven't seen a description. I'll guess, maybe a dremel wheel?

    1. Hello Philip! Yes, a stone dremel tip, and you do a criss cross in 2 stages: you make diagonal patterns, up to down just like scribbling, and then you go back and do the same thing but mirrored. You do this a bunch of times until it looks like this. In the end I make it feel smooth by rubbing a copper pipe rubbing cloth (the ones that look like scotch brite sponges on the green side of them). I rarely do this , but it looks quite nice. I really don't have the time to paint or make graphics, but I do care for tone and that is what is important to me. I also do other repairs and whatnot, and really would not have time. People don't complain, they want the sound not some psychological drawing or marked knobs. I really encourage people to tweak to taste and what they hear rather than ''the knob is set to 3.5 O'clock" haha

  2. Hey thanks for taking the time to answer. I also go back and forth about how much finishing to do, because it can eat up quite a lot of time that I could be soldering! But I might give this a shot since I have a pedal in mind that this would go really well with.

  3. nice!!!! what kind of diode did you use?
