Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Jackson DK 1997 Japan tinkering

 Was tinkering with my project Jackson DK 1997 Japan guitar. 

Installed a new Gotoh Japan trem, took care of the fretwire a bit, just needed some extra side recrown sanding work and follow up buffing. 

The actual body had some ugly superglue spots combined with other things but I managed to buff the nasty stuff out.

Used some older real deal 90s non connector version EMGs, and for fun I actually used ~24V ⚡️ 😈, not 9 or 18v (one can do this with 2x type 23A <12V batteries>, by using a smaller dedicated holder). Remember that EMGs can take up to 27V on the internal preamp.

Sounds great and cleans up nice also, since the headroom is better. The response seems better as well.  

Had to use extra shielding paint on the upper rim of the cavity and I also made screw inserts so that the lid is easily accessible with no wood screws anymore yay!

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